Friday, July 23, 2004


I think each of us have internal drives and talents that are just waiting to be discovered.   When the discovery happens, it often comes with a realization that “it feels right”.   It is very fortunate when this is discovered early in life.   For some of us though, the discovery does not take place until much later.  This is how it was with me and photography.

Although I had really enjoyed “taking pictures” though the years (as our numerous family photo albums will attest), my personal epiphany took place a about three years ago at the not so tender age of 54.  That’s after I had purchased a digital camera to take photos of items my wife and I were selling on eBay.  Before that, I had used an old, hand me down Ricoh 35 mm rangefinder camera for many years, and had even purchased a Nikon 35mm SLR.  With the film cameras, I did take several nice photographs.  However, many times I had high hopes when I snapped the pictures, only to be disappointed the following week by the prints.  Of course, much of this was likely due to me getting the prints processed at the local discount store, and being too cheap to use a professional printer.

Having spent most of my 30+ year career in Information Technology, the move of photography into the digital world was a godsend for me.  A Nikon digital camera, Photoshop, and an Epson photo printer finally gave me the control I longed for.  At last, I could print what my eyes were seeing! 

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